Global and English Lounge

トップページ グローバル Global and English Lounge

東海キャンパスの「Global Lounge」、美浜キャンパスの「English Lounge」にはネイティブスピーカーの教員が在席し、学生の海外研修・留学への関心喚起や、英語力向上のために、英語学習支援やアクティビティを実施しています。

さらに、Global LoungeにはLA(Learning Assistant)を務める学生が語学学習・海外留学などの相談対応や、季節ごとのイベントを企画・運営し、国際交流の輪を広げています。



Welcome to Nihon Fukushi University's Global and English Lounges!
Our lounges are special places for you to expand your horizons! We have internationally minded staff who are eager to help you. We have teachers with lots of language and cultural experience to assist you. We even have student Learning Assistants! These are students with experience overseas.

You can choose from a variety of ways to use your time and the space. We offer opportunities for you to practice using English, reviewing homework with our knowledgeable staff, movies, music, activities, and cultural events too.

How will you use the lounge this week? Come and join us!

Gary Kirkpatrick(国際福祉開発学部講師)