科目名 総合演習T

単 位 数 学年配当 開講期間 担 当 教 員
2 2 前期開講 カークパトリック ゲイリー

Explore 4 English skills & resources, practical Applications practice in projects, self-reflection and explore intercultural communication

Language skills   Active learning
Collaborative learning  Self-reflection
Intercultural understanding

1. Meet weekly to discuss 4 English skills & Resources. 2. Write weekly self-reflection about resources and application to self-study 3. Discuss, plan, prepare projects and give presentations 4. Carry out projects or activities

Improve awareness of language learning and improve language learning skills
Develop learning/lesson plans, carry out projects, and assess them
Improve 4 Skill abilities through in-class and out-of-class activities
Plan, prepare and give lessons, activities and/or presentations
Develop self-reflection skills

Class Introduction
Group meeting 1: Students assessment
Review Student Goals and Diaries
English Skills 1: Learning Resources / Student Goals
English Skills 1: Learning Resources Review / Student Goals / Intercultural Perspectives
English Skills 2: Learning Resources / Student Goals
English Skills 2: Learning Resources Review / Student Goals / Intercultural Perspectives
English Skills 3: Learning Resources / Student Goals
English Skills 3: Learning Resources Review / Project 1 intro
English Skills 4: Learning Resources / Student Goals
English Skills 4: Learning Resources Review / Project 1 review
Group meeting 2: Active Learning
Class Project 1: Preparation and Review
Group meeting 3: Joint Presentations
Class Project 1: Final Practice and evaluation

i. Review resources, put into practice and report on, interview other students (check vocabulary, prepare questions before classes) ii. Class discussions, planning sessions, field trip(s), other activities iii. Write reports about the classes, lessons, field trips(s), activities and presentations iv. Use English as the main language of communication

事前事後 学習内容 時間数
事前 Read articles, practice using other sources, prepare questions and comments 4
事後 Keep record of reading, vocabulary notes, reflections on studies 2
事後 Listen to and watch a variety of English materials 2
事後 Use and evaluate a variety language learning apps, techniques and sites 3
事後 Take part in discussions, planning sessions, field trip(s), other activities 5

English Presentation I, II, English for ICT I, II, ICT skills, Other English subjects

期末試験(筆記・Web・レポート・最終授業内) 0%
授業内でのレポート・課題等 65%
その他  35%
Class participation and active participation in planning, preparing for and carrying out activities / Keep a weekly written record of reading, vocabulary notes, and reflections on studies / Self-assessment, peer and teacher evaluation

■未定 (最初の授業で指示する)


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