科目名 English PresentationU

単 位 数 学年配当 開講期間 担 当 教 員
2 1 後期開講 ヒメナ エルゲダ

Giving a presentation in a structured and deliberate manner intended to influence listeners.

Improve writing and presentation skills   Express ideas
Self-assessment  Critical thinking
Draw conclusions from research

Students will continue learning step by step procedures to prepare for a presentation. Improve teamwork by studying in groups. Properly organize a more extended presentation. Develop skills to organize ideas and PowerPoint. Enjoy talking in front of their classmates and asking questions.

Develop agency to make decisions
Become "conflict-friendly" and "conflict-competent."
Present themselves in a more confident manner
Broaden the use of new expressions
Develop Critical Thinking

1. Course introduction/ Fukushi Awards (F.A.)
2. F.A. Themes and discussion
3. Watch a presentation―tools for an excellent presentation
4. F.A. Presentation Structure
5. F.A. Surveys and interpretation of results
6. F.A. Script correction and narration techniques
7. F.A. Presentation/Corrections
8. F.A. Presentation submission
9. Three Themes on contemporary issues. Reading material.
10. Theme for a final presentation.
11. Group Discussion/Presentation script
12. Presentation's logical structure/ Corrections
13. Copyrights/ Original images for PowerPoint
14. Narration check and rehearsal
15. Final Presentation/ Feedback

・Check the English Presentation II study page before class. ・When the students have missed a class, they will check the English Presentation II study page and do the assignments. ・Participate in class both in groups and individually. ・Enjoy creating original presentations.

事前事後 学習内容 時間数
事前 Research and read 1
事後 Use new vocabulary and expressions 1
事前 Write and correct scripts 1
事前 Practice narration 1
事前 Memorize presentation content 1
事後 Watch presentations 1


その他  100%
Writing of presentation scripts 30% Launching surveys 10% Submitting work for Fukushi Awards 10% Presentations 50%

■未定 (最初の授業で指示する)

(C) Copyright 2021 Nihon Fukushi University. all rights reserved.