科目名 | 英語総合コミュニケーションV |
単 位 数 | 学年配当 | 開講期間 | 担 当 教 員 |
2 | 3 | 後期開講 | Ximena Elgueda |
テーマ |
Make English your favorite tool to communicate. You will strengthen advanced conversational, reading and writing English skills. |
科目のねらい |
<キーワード> Enjoy advanced English communication. Deepen knowledge of self. Aquire knowledge on cultural diversity. Research→Understand→Discuss Discuss and write about contemporary issues <内容の要約> Students will experience different ways of learning, develop ideas and creative ways of using and improving their conversational, reading and writing English skills through creative communicational projects. This communication course ( TOIEC 850+) will help students improve their English performance for TOEIC examinations. <学習目標> Learn effective ways to acquire and use new advanced vocabulary. Learn about sequence of multiple events. Cause and effect. Learn tips for understanding advanced reading and listening material without a dictionary. Share knowledge based on research. Communicate in English with each other |
授業のながれ |
1. Course Introduction/ Goals and Challenges. 2. Beyond Limits/ Different Brains, Different Ways of Learning. 3. Different Brains, Different Ways of Learning/ Breaking the language barrier/ Discuss. 4. Writing project: "A sequence of multiple events". 5. Stress: Friend or Foe? How Stress Affects the Body. 6. Stress: Friend or Foe? How to make stress your friend/Discuss. 7. Listen for cause and effect/ Talk about cause and effect. 8. Cause and effect/ Group project. 9. ”The school in the cloud” research. 10.“Build a school in the cloud” / Discuss. 11. Bringing dreams to life / Would-Be- Entrepreneurs. 12. Bringing dreams to life / 5 ways to kill your dreams / Discuss. 13. Goals are dreams with deadlines/ Video Project Script 14. Goals are dreams with deadlines/Video Project 15. Self Assessment/ Final Presentation |
準備学習の内容・学ぶ上での注意 |
Students will participate in class both individually and in groups. Students are expected to talk, answer questions about their ideas, listen to their classmates, make comments and ask questions using the new vocabulary. Cell phones can be used only as a tool for voice recording and taking videos. We will visit the library, use personal computers or laptops for research. |
事前事後 | 学習内容 | 時間数 |
事前 | Listen to news and radio programs. | 1 |
事後 | Read assigned material. | 1 |
事後 | Write dialogs and scripts. | 1 |
事後 | Read and review corrections. | 1 |
事後 | Use mind maps for new vocabulary. | 1 |
事前 | Rehearse short presentations. | 1 |
本科目の関連科目 |
English Presentation III&IV TOEIC |
成績評価の方法 |
テキスト |
□テキストを使用する □レジュメを使用する ■未定 (最初の授業で指示する) |
(C) Copyright 2020 Nihon Fukushi University. all rights reserved. |
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