科目名 英語総合コミュニケーションW

単 位 数 学年配当 開講期間 担 当 教 員
2 3 後期開講 Erin Sakakibara

Developing comprehensive English skills while exploring the world around us.

Speaking  Grammar Skills
Reading/Writing  Listening/Pronunciation
Everyday themes in a global setting

Students will study English across a variety of themes while exploring people and places around the world. With each unit, the students will be given a comprehensive look at the English language through reading, writing, listening and speaking. Through these activities, the students will expand their vocabulary and increase their grammar skills while learning about the world around them.

The student will be able to use grammar correctly.
The student will be able to improve reading and writing skills through studying a variety of contemporary and global themes.
The student will be able to improve listening and pronunciation through studying a variety of contemporary and global themes.
The student will be able to confidently have a conversation about what they are learning while expressing ideas and opinions.
The students will be able to use online tools for practicing these skills.

Unit 5 - Engineered by Nature
Engineered by Nature - cont.
Engineered by Nature - cont.
Unit 5 assessment - Intro Unit 6
Lending a Hand - cont.
Lending a Hand - cont.
Unit 6 assessment - Intro Unit 7
Less is More - cont.
Less is More - cont.
Unit 7 assessment - Intro Unit 8
Justice in the Jungle - cont.
Justice in the Jungle - cont.
Unit 8 Assessment - Intro Group Project
Group Project
Presentation and final evaluation

Students will be expected to have the text book in class daily. Students will be expected to finish all in-class projects and homework assignments on time. Other materials may be introduced.

事前事後 学習内容 時間数


期末試験(筆記・Web・レポート・最終授業内) 30%
授業内でのレポート・課題等 60%
その他  10%
Student participation in class, completion of in-class assignments and homework will count towards the final grade along with unit assessments and the final project.

□未定 (最初の授業で指示する)
<著者>Jessica Williams <テキスト名>21st Century Communication <出版社>National Geographic Learning/Cengage Learning

(C) Copyright 2019 Nihon Fukushi University. all rights reserved.