科目名 English PresentationV

単 位 数 学年配当 開講期間 担 当 教 員
2 2 前期開講 ヒメナ エルゲダ

Giving presentations that will inform the audience in a clear and interesting way.

Design Presentations in creative ways.  Get information from the surrounding environment
Be open to new ideas/perspectives  Use critical thinking
Deliver well structured and clear presentations

Students will learn and use critical thinking skills to work on many types and sources of information.
Identify well structured paragraphs and use the knowledge to improve their presentations.
Special emphasis will be focus on using creativity and effective communication skills to make the best out of working in groups.

Work in groups while respecting and accepting differences.
Develop useful and realistic problem solving skills
Work on issues of social and/or environmental relevance.
Write strong and well articulated paragraphs for presentations
Present with confidence and be able to answer questions

Workshop/Activity : Interacting in creative ways
Work in pairs to write a narration for a short movie (documentary)
Write the movie’s English script using past, present and future tense
Check grammar and practice narration
Present narration /short documentary movie
Problem solving /What is a problem? Examples of difficulties we encounter in life
Problem identification/ Structuring the Problem/ Possible Solutions
Making decisions about a problem. Discuss and write conclusions
Present Conclusions
Identify topic sentences in a paragraph /Write a paragraph with a the three distinct components
Watch news in English and identify the topic sentences, body and conclusion
Work in pairs to choose news of social or environmental relevance
Write a script (250 words) for a “TV News Program”
Check sentences and paragraphs/ Practice readi
Present “TV News Program”

Students will participate in class both in groups and individually.
They are expected to talk in a clear and direct manner. Listen to their classmates, make comments and questions.
Cell phones can be used as a tool for voice recording and taking videos.
We will visit the library, use personal computers or laptops for research.

事前事後 学習内容 時間数
事前 Review vocabulary 1
事前 Listen to BBC news and world news services 1
事後 Practice writing using new expressions 1
事後 Review corrections made to their script 1
事前 Acquire new vocabulary by reading and listening 1
事前 Memorize their scripts 1

English Communication I&II, English Communication III&VI
Extensive Reading I&II

期末試験(筆記・Web・レポート・最終授業内) 20%
授業内でのレポート・課題等 80%
Students will be graded on their participation in class, their performances, short speeches, and the final presentation.
Assignments and presentation design 80%
Final presentation 20%

■未定 (最初の授業で指示する)

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