科目名 English PresentationU

単 位 数 学年配当 開講期間 担 当 教 員
2 1 後期開講 ヒメナ エルゲダ

Giving a presentation in a structured and deliberate manner intended to inform and influence listeners.

Improve writing and oratory skills   Express ideas clearly to strengthen presentation
Continue working on self assessment   Draw conclusions from research
Develop Critical Thinking

Students will continue learning step by step procedures to prepare for a presentation.
Improve their teamwork by studying in groups. Properly organize a longer presentation.
Develop the necessary skills to organize their ideas and power point.
Enjoy talking in front of their classmates and make questions.

Make a significant contribution to their group
Become "conflict-friendly" and “conflict-competent”
Present themselves in a more confident manner
Broaden their understanding and use of new expressions in English
Develop Critical Thinking.

Course introduction. How to make presentations review and Questionnaire
Communication exercises for becoming "conflict-friendly" and “conflict-competent”
Vocabulary -Comments-Questionnaire and vocabulary for discussion.
Watch a presentation/ Read Script.
Quiz / Initial steps for preparing a presentation on Welfare (Fukushi Award).
Incorporating use of new expressions for an effective presentation.
Writing the script for a presentation. Power point.
Correcting text and reading practice for presentation
Presentation Video. Documentation of presentation for analysis
Watching my presentation. Making the necessary corrections and adjustments.
Design a simple and suitable plan for a Research.
Reading, summarizing and extracting important ideas for a Research.
Writing and developing own ideas based on personal experiences Presentation. Feedback.
Watching a presentation II. Vocabulary -Comments-Questionnaire and vocabulary for discussion.
Final Presentation.

They are expected to research, write and memorize their presentation's content.
Use the self-assessment card and bring their personal computers. Authenticity and originality are crucial.
Students need to be able to make a significant contribution to their group by sharing information and expressing clearly their ideas.
Students will be required to submit their script on time for corrections. Review vocabulary.
Listen to their classmate's presentation and make questions.
The use of cell phones is not allowed.

事前事後 学習内容 時間数
事前 Listen to news and radio programs 1
事前 Research and read before class 1
事前 Write their script in advance 1
事前 Practice their script many times 1
事前 Memorize their script 1
事後 Watch their own presentations 1

English Communication I&II Extensive Reading I&II

期末試験(筆記・Web・レポート・最終授業内) 20%
授業内でのレポート・課題等 80%
Assignments, quizzes and presentation design 80%
Final presentation 20%

■未定 (最初の授業で指示する)

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