科目名 英語コミュニケーションT

単 位 数 学年配当 開講期間 担 当 教 員
1 1 前期開講 E.スクラグス

The student will enhance general communication skills using a "living English" approach

Interational Communication    Express personal opinions
Discuss needs and emotions in English   Pro-active ideas
A broadend perspective

This course is designed to give students experience and abilities in the use of English for international communucation. The focus is on "living" language requirements which can be of use in real world situations.

The student will enhance general communication skills using a "living English" approach
The student will be able to express personal opinions
The student will be able to express needs and emotions in English
The student will gain skills to become a more pro-active world citizen
The student will have a broadened world view

Introduction and explanation of expectations and class decorum. Discuss Reading passages
Begin Reading passage #1 Lecture on Summarization skills
Complete Reading #1 Summarization practice
Quiz Form groups for presentations
Confirm group themes Practice for presentations
Presentation #1 Evaluations
Begin Reading #2 Lecture on Vocabulary acquisition
Complete Reading #2 Show model summary
Quiz form groups for Presentation #2
Confirm Themes Presentation Practice
Presentation #2 Evaluation
Q&A Begin final readeing
Complete final reading Begin comprehensive review
Final reports and quiz

The students should expect to experience an English-only environment. The students will need to go on-line each week to check resources needed for participation each week.

事前事後 学習内容 時間数
事前 Review previous class materials 2
事後 Review of presentation materials 2


期末試験(筆記・Web・レポート・最終授業内) 0%
授業内でのレポート・課題等 100%
その他  0%
Daily Participation 20%, Presentations and Group Work 40%, Quizes 20%, Final Report 20%

□未定 (最初の授業で指示する)

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