科目名 Extensive ReadingU

単 位 数 学年配当 開講期間 担 当 教 員
1 1 後期開講 ヒメナ エルゲダ

Improving reading and writing skills. Reading as a tool for : @ Critical thinking A Acquiring knowledge for self-development.

Sequencing and directionality    Understanding words by their context
Reading and writing strategies  Enjoy reading longer and more difficult texts
Discuss and write about contemporary issues

In this course, the students will be able to use ideas on the text to question and create their own. Use critical thinking skills (understand the logical connections between ideas).
Collaborative writing activities will be held to share information and creativity.
Special emphasis will be placed on moving into longer and more challenging reading material.

Know vs Understand (Fact finding vs Making meaning)
Use SQ3R reading strategies (survey, question, read, recite, and review)
Discuss and exchange ideas with their classmates about the reading material
Challenge themselves to read more advanced material
Do collaborative research, reading, discussing, writing and performing “reading-presentations”.

Quick review / Setting goals ( Goals are wishes with deadlines)
Read→Listen→ Understand→ Write →Talk
Read→Listen→ Understand→ Write →Talk
Collaborative Reading
Collaborative Writing
Read→Listen→ Understand→ Write →Talk
Read→Listen→ Understand→ Write →Talk
Review →Use of new vocabulary
Read→Listen→ Understand→ Write →Talk
Read→Listen→ Understand→ Write →Talk
Read→Listen→ Understand→ Write →Talk
Read→Listen→ Understand→ Write →Talk
Final Test reading and writing project
Final Test Project
Final Test feedback and discussion

Students are expected to understand and write past tense and complex English sentences.
Students will write definitions of words, paragraphs and short stories. The use of cell phones is not allowed, except for class-related research.

事前事後 学習内容 時間数
事前 Readings should be studied for summarizations and vocabulary command 1
事後 Check vocabulary using online accredited English Language dictionary (input) 1
事後 Using new vocabulary when writing (output) 1
事前 Reviewing corrections and write using new expressions 1
事後 Apply the new knowledge in your daily life 1


期末試験(筆記・Web・レポート・最終授業内) 0%
授業内でのレポート・課題等 100%
その他  0%
Students will be graded on:
1.Class work, assignments (mini tests) 85% 
2.Final test 15%

■未定 (最初の授業で指示する)

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