科目名 Extensive ReadingT

単 位 数 学年配当 開講期間 担 当 教 員
1 1 前期開講 Erin Sakakibara

Develop reading and vocabulary skills through reading a large amount of interesting content.

Global themes  Improve reading skill
Improve reading comprehension  Develop vocabulary
Increase test taking skills

We will use interesting passages to explore various global topics, develop critical thinking and increase vocabulary. Use KWL approach:
What we KNOW about a topic (prior knowledge)
What we WANT to know (purpose for reading)
What we LEARNED (comprehension)
We will also utilize SKIMMING, SCANNING and PREDICTING techniques.These skills will help us with test taking. In addition, students will be required to read content of their choice in and out of class.

Students will learn to enjoy reading and therefore enjoy English
Students will study global issues and themes through the reading assignments.
Students will build reading skills and reading comprehension skills.
Students will increase their vocabulary.
Reading practice will help enhance test-taking skills.

Introduction to the course and explanation of KWL. Student introductions
Unit 1A - Amazing Animals - Free Reading
Unit 1B - Amazing Animals - Free Reading
Unit 2A - Travel and Adventure - Free Reading
Unit 2B - Travel and Adventure / Quiz 1 - Free Reading
Unit 3A - Music and Festivals - Free Reading
Unit 3B - Music and Festivals / Quiz 2 - Free Reading
Mid - Semester mini test / Reading activity
Unit 4A - Other Worlds - Free Reading
Unit 4B - Other Worlds - Free Reading
Unit 5A - City Living - Free Reading
Unit 5B - City Living /Quiz 3 - Free Reading
Unit 6A - Clothes and Fashion - Free Reading
Unit 6B - Clothes and Fashion - Free Reading
Final exam

Students will need to read independently both in and outside of class and will be required to fill out small book reports to gain points towards their independent reaching goals. Students will need to prepare and use a vocabulary notebook for vocabulary learned in class and in their private reading.

事前事後 学習内容 時間数


期末試験(筆記・Web・レポート・最終授業内) 40%
授業内でのレポート・課題等 30%
その他  30%
Students will be graded on participation (attendance and participation in class), quizzes and tests, vocabulary notebooks and independent reading goals.

□未定 (最初の授業で指示する)
<著者>National Geographic <テキスト名>Reading Explorer 1 <出版社>Cengage Learning

(C) Copyright 2019 Nihon Fukushi University. all rights reserved.