科目名 Extensive ReadingT

単 位 数 学年配当 開講期間 担 当 教 員
1 1 前期開講 ヒメナ エルゲダ

New ways of reading, discovering meaning and improving communication skills.

Phonetics clues  Understanding sentences
Sequencing and directionality  Reading and writing strategies
Expressing ideas using learned expressions

In this course the students will develop pronunciation and listening skills as the basis for phonetic understanding.
Understanding sentences by focusing on meaning rather than analyzing individual words.
Special emphasis will be placed on writing as a way of practicing sequencing and directionality.
Read→Listen→ Understand→ Write →Talk

Students will be able to: 1. Read phrases and sentences right from the beginning
2. Question and express their ideas about a text
3. Enjoy reading by discovering meaning
4. Point out the relevant information on a text
5. Understand the sequence of a story

1. Introduction. Setting Goals ( Goals are wishes with deadlines)
2. Reading together, tips for reading
3. Read→Listen→ Understand→ Write →Talk
4. Review →Use of new vocabulary
5. Read→Listen→ Understand→ Write →Talk
6. Read→Listen→ Understand→ Write →Talk
7. Read→Listen→ Understand→ Write →Talk
8. Read→Listen→ Understand→ Write →Talk
9. Collaborative reading and writing (group work)
10. Read→Listen→ Understand→ Write →Talk
11. Read→Listen→ Understand→ Write →Talk
12. Read→Listen→ Understand→ Write →Talk
13.Read→Listen→ Understand→ Write →Talk
14. Final Test Project
15. Final Test Feedback /Discussion

The students are expected to review high school English.
Students will write on a notebook simple definitions of words and sentences with the new vocabulary.
The use of cell phones is not allowed, except for class related research.
I encourage self-chosen English reading material from the campus library: books, journals, newspapers and magazines.
Internet news articles, songs and lectures of interest.

英語コミュニケーション I & II, English Presentation I & II

期末試験(筆記・Web・レポート・最終授業内) 15%
授業内でのレポート・課題等 85%
その他  0%
Students’ grades will be based on:
1. Class work , assignments (mini tests) 85%
2. Final Exam 15 %

■未定 (最初の授業で指示する)

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