科目名 英語音声学

単 位 数 学年配当 開講期間 担 当 教 員
2 2 前期開講 David Leaf

Improving pronunciation, spelling and hearing of English.

Active participation  English vocabulary
Expressive and receptive communication skills

This course will provide opportunities for the students to improve in their use of English, particularly the pronunciation of vowels & consonants along with the flow and rhythm of phrases and sentences, and listening comprehension

1. Recognize spoken and written English with a broader vocabulary and fluency
2. Improve reading skills (pronunciation and comprehension).
3. Distinguish between the proper pronunciation of Japanese and English letters and word.

Orientation and Introduction to English Phonemes & IPA (Units 1-2) オリエンテーション、音素、国際音声記号
Stress & Intonation Part 1: Syllable Stress & Vowel and Consonant Length (Units 3-4) 強勢とイントネーション/音節
Stress & Intonation Part 2: Content & Function Words, Contractions, Linking (Units 5-6) 内容語と機能語と約音と連結
Stress & Intonation Part 3: Intonation & Using a Dictionary (Units 7-8)
Vowel Sounds Part 1 (Units 9-11) 母音
Vowel Sounds Part 2 (Units 12-14)
Vowel Sounds Part 3 (Units 15-17)
Vowel Sounds Part 4 (Units 18-20)
Consonant Sounds Part 1 (Units 21-22) 子音
Consonant Sounds Part 2 (Units 23-24)
Consonant Sounds Part 3 (Units 25-27)
Consonant Sounds Part 4 (Units 28-30)
Consonant Sounds Part 5 (Units 31-33)
Consonant Sounds Part 6 (Units 34-36)
Final Oral Presentation

There will be a listening dictation quiz in each class. Cooperative Learning and class presentations by the students will facilitate personal involvement of each person in the class.


期末試験(筆記・Web・レポート・最終授業内) 50%
授業内でのレポート・課題等 25%
その他  25%
Students will be graded on how active they are in class activities. Class attendance of course is essential. Also they are evaluated on how they perform in the reading and speaking exercises. (25% Assigned vocabulary building & extensive Reading, 50% Final Oral Presentation, 25% Class attendance & participation)

□未定 (最初の授業で指示する)
<著者>Gertrude F. Orion <テキスト名>Pronouncing American English: Sounds, Stress, and Intonation Third Edition  <出版社>Cengage Learning ISBN 13: 978-1-111-35210-0

(C) Copyright 2018 Nihon Fukushi University. all rights reserved.