科目名 English PresentationT

単 位 数 学年配当 開講期間 担 当 教 員
2 1 前期開講 ヒメナ エルゲダ

Giving a presentation in a structured and deliberate manner intended to inform, influence and/ or delight the listeners.

Acquire communication skills  Use of expanded English vocabulary
Overcome fear of speaking in English  Talk and discuss about contemporary affairs in a simple manner

Students will learn step by step procedures to prepare for an oral presentation. Reduce anxiety and promote confidence by properly organizing and guiding a short presentation. Through English presentations the students will bridge the gap between language study and language use, as well as develop the necessary skills to organize their ideas before presenting them.

Students will be able to: Present themselves in a concise and simple manner.
Be aware of the importance of their body language and their capacity to use it effectively.
Organize their ideas from a Macro Organization (purpose, objective, outline, introduction and conclusion) to a Micro Organization (textual coherence and connections from one part to another).
Perform verbal and non verbal exercises to reduce anxiety, promote confidence and enjoy talking English.

1. Introduction: Setting goals
2. Presentations and their power. Importance of authenticity.
3 Skills for improving self introduction.
4. Story telling & Presentation (similarities and differences)
5. Tell a story using pictures and/or a real object.
6. Watch and discuss a presentation by an ESL student.
7. Japanese Culture, gathering information
8. Organizational tools for a presentation
9. Group work: design a brief presentation
10. “Brief presentation” by groups (movie)
11. Watch & discuss the “Brief Presentation” movie.
12. Japanese abroad / Foreigners in Japan
13. Choosing a theme, prepare vocabulary for a presentation
14. Create a presentation by pairs using power point
15. Presentation

Students will participate in class both in groups and individually. They are expected to talk about themselves in a clear, interesting and simple manner. Authenticity is crucial. Listening to their classmates presentation is equally important. For this reason the use of cell phones is not allowed, except for class related research.

English Communication I&II Extensive Reading I&II

そ の 他
Students will be graded on their participation in class .Their performance on short speeches and the final presentations at the end of each semester. 30% (assigments for short presentations) 70% (final presentation)

■未定 (最初の授業で指示する)

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