科目名 インターナショナル・プレゼンテーションT-C

単 位 数 学年配当 開講期間 担 当 教 員
通 年
Lucas James Ford

テ | マ  Build on your ability tospeak to people from other countries

 International presentation will work to improve students speaking, reading and listening skills. Students will also be expected to undertake writing tasks to develop their writing skills and vocabulary.
 To enable students to start and maintain conversations with native English speakers.
 To help students talk about their interests.
 To help students with English for overseas travel.

1  Introduction. Useful classroom English.
2  Meeting new people.
3  Conversational openers. Keeping conversations going.
4  Talking about jobs and hobbies.
5  Family life in Japan.
6  Speaking of friends - descriving people.
7  Help, I'm in trouble. Asking for advice.
8  Concerts and music.
9  Planning a party.
10 Invitations - accepting and making excuses.
11 Could you do me a favor? -asking for help.
12 Food and restaurants. Booking and ordering.
13 Help, I'm in trouble. (Part 2) hospital visit.
14 Review and roleplay.
15 Examination.

1  How are you doing? Talking about the holidays.
2  Travel English - timetables and public transport.
3  Tell me about your hometown.
4  Help, I'm lost. Getting directions.
5  Help, I'm lost. (Part 2)
6  Job hunting. planning for the future.
7  Studying abroad.
8  Crazy about sports.
9  Dating - invitations to go out.
10 Shopping on an overseas trip.
11 You won't believe what happened.
12 Really, were you okay? -more rtorytelling.
13 Evaluation activities.
14 Review and roleplay.
15 Examination.

Speak a lot of English in class - don't be afraid to ask questions or make mistakes.
There will be a lot of pairworks and roleplays.
Behave like an adult - don't be late, no mobile phones. Please do you best.
Students will be expected to maintain a notebook and do homework tasks.

そ の 他
授業態度 20%  ノートブック 15%  小テスト 15%
中間テスト 20%  定期テスト 30%

□未定 (最初の授業で指示する)
Everybody's Talking by Dale Fuller and Clyde W. Grimm
               (Macmillan Languagehouse)

(C) Copyright 2007 Nihon Fukushi University. all rights reserved.