日本福祉大学 福祉経営学部


開講曜日 開講時限 担当教員 使 用 テ キ ス ト 授業内容・方法・ねらい
G. J.
No set textbook
Closs hear and hare Video epi-sodes only
 コースの目的は二つです。 一つは学生の英語でのコミュニケーション能力を上達させて、 色々な出来事について意見が言える様にする。 もう一つは英会話を通して日本以外の文化について意識を高めること、 特にスリランカの文化について焦点をあてます。 レッスンテーマの基は旅行場面で特に海外旅行やホームステイで起きうるハプニングに対処出来る様にする。 又重要表現を学びながら各自の経験も交えて教師と学生が差し向い (Face-to-face student-teacher interaction) でインタラクションもします。 学んだ言葉が実際の場面でどう使われているか知る為にビデオも使います。
Ian Manders
『Everybody's Talking』
 Dale Fuller, Clude ・W ・Grimm (Macmillan language House)
 To cover basic English expres-sions and to encourage students to use these basic expressions to talk about themselves. Class hand-outs, text and video tapes will also include some reading and listen-ing exercises.          
Ian Manders
『Everybody's Talking』
 Dale Fuller, Clude ・W ・Grimm (Macmillan language House)
 To cover basic English expres-sions and to encourage students to use these basic expressions to talk about themselves. Class hand-outs, text and video tapes will also include some reading and listen-ing exercises.       
G. J.
No set textbook
Closs hear and hare Video epi-sodes only
 コースの目的は二つです。 一つは学生の英語でのコミュニケーション能力を上達させて、 色々な出来事について意見が言える様にする。 もう一つは英会話を通して日本以外の文化について意識を高めること、 特にスリランカの文化について焦点をあてます。 レッスンテーマの基は旅行場面で特に海外旅行やホームステイで起きうるハプニングに対処出来る様にする。 又重要表現を学びながら各自の経験も交えて教師と学生が差し向い (Face-to-face student-teacher interaction) でインタラクションもします。 学んだ言葉が実際の場面でどう使われているか知る為にビデオも使います。
陳  麗華
『Our World Heritage』
 株式会社精美堂 2003 年
 This course aims to help the students to develop their quick English listening and reading and com-prehension capability through learning the key col-locations, expressions, idioms, lexical phrases, phras-al verbs in the reading activities. Thus students may be asked to do lots of reading and writing which may help to enhance their academic skills and they are expected to be able to write,express their own comments and opinions on the reading materials and make presentation before the class.
 Monthly workshop will be organized for students to make presentation on the subjects such as acade-mic life, cross-cultural studies, environment educa-tion, media and news etc...Thus the students are required to be creative, imaginative, active and pro-ductive.
 English and Japanese,Japanese and English dic-tionaries are necessary for the class.
 Evaluation will be based on attendance and the average result of monthly presentation and the final examination.
G. J.
No set textbook
Class hand outs and Video epi-sodes only
 コースの目的は二つです。 一つは学生の英語でのコミュニケーション能力を上達させて、 色々な出来事について意見が言える様にする。 もう一つは英会話を通して日本以外の文化について意識を高めること、 特にスリランカの文化について焦点をあてます。 レッスンテーマの基は旅行場面で特に海外旅行やホームステイで起きうるハプニングに対処出来る様にする。 又重要表現を学びながら各自の経験も交えて教師と学生が差し向い (Face-to-face student-teacher interaction) でインタラクションもします。 学んだ言葉が実際の場面でどう使われているか知る為にビデオも使います。
Ian Manders
『Everybody's Talking』
 Dale Fuller, Clyde ・W ・Grimm (Macmillan language House)
 To cover basic English expres-sions and to encourage students to use these basic expressions to talk about themselves. Class hand-outs, text and video tapes will also include some reading and listen-ing exercises.          
陳  麗華
『Our World Heritage』
 株式会社精美堂 2003 年
 This course aims to help the students to develop their quick English listening and reading and com-prehension capability through learning the key col-locations, expressions, idioms, lexical phrases, phras-al verbs in the reading activities. Thus students may be asked to do lots of reading and writing which may help to enhance their academic skills and they are expected to be able to write,express their own comments and opinions on the reading materials and make presentation before the class.
 Monthly workshop will be organized for students to make presentation on the subjects such as acade-mic life, cross-cultural studies, environment educa-tion, media and news etc...Thus the students are required to be creative, imaginative, active and pro-ductive.
 English and Japanese,Japanese and English dic-tionaries are necessary for the class.
 Evaluation will be based on attendance and the average result of monthly presentation and the final examination.
Ian Manders
『Everybody's Talking』
 Dale Fuller, Clyde ・W ・Grimm (Macmillan language House)
 To cover basic English expres-sions and to encourage students to use these basic expressions to talk about themselves. Class hand-outs, text and video tapes will also include some reading and listen-ing exercises.         
ルーカス フォード
『New Interchange 1』
 Jack C. Richards
 (Cambridge University Press)
 This course is aimed to improve students' ability to communicate orally in English. Students will learn communication strategies so they will be able to initiate and maintain conversation with En-glish speakers.
 The emphasis is on roleplays and group work, so students will have practice orally interacting with others. The course will cover some travel situations that students are likely to find themselves in, as well as enable them to talk about their lives and interests in Japan.
G. J.
No set textbook
Class hand outs and Video epi-sodes only
 コースの目的は二つです。 一つは学生の英語でのコミュニケーション能力を上達させて、 色々な出来事について意見が言える様にする。 もう一つは英会話を通して日本以外の文化について意識を高めること、 特にスリランカの文化について焦点をあてます。 レッスンテーマの基は旅行場面で特に海外旅行やホームステイで起きうるハプニングに対処出来る様にする。 又重要表現を学びながら各自の経験も交えて教師と学生が差し向い (Face-to-face student-teacher interaction) でインタラクションもします。 学んだ言葉が実際の場面でどう使われているか知る為にビデオも使います。
ルーカス フォード
『New Interchange 1』
 Jack C. Richards
 (Cambridge University Press)
 This course is aimed to improve students' ability to communicate orally in English. Students will learn communication strategies so they will be able to initiate and maintain conversation with En-glish speakers.
 The emphasis is on roleplays and group work, so students will have practice orally interacting with others. The course will cover some travel situations that students are likely to find themselves in, as well as enable them to talk about their lives and interests in Japan.

(C) Copyright 2004 Nihon Fukushi University. all rights reserved.