科 目 名インターナショナル
プレゼンテーション T−2
クラス名C時 限月−3教 室201

21通 年David Abe

International presentation will focus on developing student's basic skills in conversational English. Students will practice pronunciation and will work on developing their hearing and comprehension skills. Through the usage of structured dialogue and their (group) practice. The course will provide the students with a general background in vocabulary, idiomatic expressions,
And basic sentence patterns essential for conversational English. There will be some assignments and it's expected that the students will come to class prepared to discuss the material. Participation in class is required.


The grades will depend on the following:
 - Attendance
 - Participation
 - Mid-term, final, and oral examination


(C) Copyright 2003 Nihon Fukushi University. all rights reserved.