科 目 名インターナショナル
プレゼンテーション T−2
クラス名B時 限月−3教 室104

21通 年マスワナ・ジャンクロード

・The goal of this course is to make students' spoken English more comprehensive to the audience
・Through understanding the English sound system and key vocabularies, participating dialogues, and developing the ability to analyze their own speeches by making presentations, students will improve their pronunciation and communication skill in English.
・This course focuses on oral delivery on various issues chosen by students' own interest.
・This course will enable students to continue making progress on their own even after the class is over
・Students are expected to give at least four prepared oral presentations on their own selected subjiects, and the presentations will be analyzed and evaluated by the classmates.

Active participation in discussions is highly encouraged and required in order to achieve the class objectives.

Attendance, Participation, Oral presentations, Term papers


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