日本福祉大学 経済学部

単位数 学年配当
2 1

クラス 開講
担当教員 使 用 テ キ ス ト 授業内容・方法・ねらい
T−201 6 堀  泰雄 『ハワイ・フィリピンの授業』
 この授業は、 中学から続いた必修としての英語の最後の授業になる。 最後に何を教えるべきかを考えた末、 この授業を編み出した。 ハワイ、 フィリピンは、 「島国、 自然、 先住民、 日本人移民、 戦争、 経済的結びつき、 観光地」 として日本と密接な関係がある。 これを英語で学習 (ビデオ、 歌なども活用) しながら、 日本と日本人、 さらに自分とは何かを考えてもらうというのがねらいである。
T−202 6 Ian Manders 『Nice Talking with you Developing Fluency with Conversation 
 Tom Kenny
 Linda Woo
 (Mac Milan
  Language House)
 Lessons will be based on themes related to students' daily lives. The students will be able to build. Their speaking confidence by talking about their own experiences. Most importantly. They will have a chance to use communicative English.
T−203 7 堀  泰雄 『ハワイ・フィリピンの授業』
 この授業は、 中学から続いた必修としての英語の最後の授業になる。 最後に何を教えるべきかを考えた末、 この授業を編み出した。 ハワイ、 フィリピンは、 「島国、 自然、 先住民、 日本人移民、 戦争、 経済的結びつき、 観光地」 として日本と密接な関係がある。 これを英語で学習 (ビデオ、 歌なども活用) しながら、 日本と日本人、 さらに自分とは何かを考えてもらうというのがねらいである。
T−204 7 Ian Manders 『Nice Talking with you Developing Fluency with Conversation 
 Tom Kenny
 Linda Woo
 (Mac Milan
  Language House)
 Lessons will be based on themes related to students' daily lives. The students will be able to build. Their speaking confidence by talking about their own experiences. Most importantly. They will have a chance to use communicative English.
U−201 6

Ian Manders

『Nice Talking with you Developing Fluency with Conversation 
 Tom Kenny
 Linda Woo
 (Mac Milan
  Language House)
 Lessons will be based on themes related to students' daily lives. The students will be able to build. Their speaking confidence by talking about their own experiences. Most importantly. They will have a chance to use communicative English.
U−202 6 陳  麗華 『Video Listening
Hollywood Short Scenes from
the Movies』
 John S. Lander, 1-2
 (Asahi Press
 The course aims to develop students' comprehensive ability in English communication on listening, writing with special focus on speaking through watching short scenes from the movies. This course will help students to be creative in writing and expressing individual opinions in practical English world and thus require high participation of the students in class activities. Weekly homework is unavoidable.
Evaluation will be based on attendance and the average reslts of weekly tests, presentation and the final examination. English-Japanese, Japanese-English dictionaries are necessary.
U−203 7

Ian Manders

『Nice Talking with you Developing Fluency with Conversation 
 Tom Kenny
 Linda Woo
 (Mac Milan
  Language House)
 Lessons will be based on themes related to students' daily lives. The students will be able to build. Their speaking confidence by talking about their own experiences. Most importantly. They will have a chance to use communicative English.
U−204 7 陳  麗華 『Video Listening
Hollywood Short Scenes from
the Movies』
 John S. Lander, 1-2
 (Asahi Press
 The course aims to develop students' comprehensive ability in English communication on listening, writing with special focus on speaking through watching short scenes from the movies. This course will help students to be creative in writing and expressing individual opinions in practical English world and thus require high participation of the students in class activities. Weekly homework is unavoidable.
Evaluation will be based on attendance and the average reslts of weekly tests, presentation and the final examination. English-Japanese, Japanese-English dictionaries are necessary.

(C) Copyright 2002 Nihon Fukushi University. all rights reserved.