科目名 English for TOEICT102

単 位 数 学年配当 開講期間 担 当 教 員
1 1 前期開講 L.J.フォード

Familiarize, and boost score for students with TOEIC test format

Build basic vocabulary needed for TOEIC  Examine common problems for TOEIC test
Develop listening skills for TOEIC test

In class I aim to help students practice the format of the TOEIC test, providing many example problems. I hope this extends to further overall reading and writing skills outside the classroom, beyond just sitting in an exam situation.

Get used to format of the TOEIC test
Establish good English-learning habits, how best to study
Build listening comprehension, and effective reading skills
Being able to summarize from reading and listening tasks

Practice test answers, self-correction
Practice test answers, self-correction pt 2
Reading, listening, oral summary, and writing practice 1
Reading, listening, oral summary, and writing practice 2
Reading, listening, oral summary, and writing practice 3
Reading, listening, oral summary, and writing practice 4
Reading, listening, oral summary, and writing practice 5
Reading, listening, oral summary, and writing practice 6
Reading, listening, oral summary, and writing practice 7
Reading, listening, oral summary, and writing practice 8
Reading, listening, oral summary, and writing practice 9
Reading, listening, oral summary, and writing practice 10
Reading, listening, oral summary, and writing practice 11
Practice test answers, self-correction
Review of semester 1

Homework will be given, and students will have to spend time studying outside of class time. Practice test will be given throughout the semester. Students will be marked on attentiveness in class, attendance, and improvement throughout the semester.

Students must build English ability, complete class activities and work on building their English ability outside of class time.

そ の 他

Must complete work in class, reading activities outside of class. 50% of assessment will be from tests, 50% will be from class participation, homework tasks, and talking with teachers in the Global Lounge.

□未定 (最初の授業で指示する)
<著者>Chizuko Tsumatori, Masumi Tahira <テキスト名>First Time Trainer for the TOEIC Test <出版社>CENGAGE Learning
<著者>Masami Tanabe, Kumiko Yumoto <テキスト名>The TOEIC Test Trainer Target 350 <出版社>CENGAGE Learning
<著者>Michiko Ueki, Brent Cotsworth <テキスト名>Lighting Up the TOEIC Test <出版社>Kinseido

(C) Copyright 2016 Nihon Fukushi University. all rights reserved.